Monday, August 1, 2011

The Brown Duck: Stimis Smith, A Man’s Private War on Meatloaf

The Brown Duck: Stimis Smith, A Man’s Private War on Meatloaf: " 'If it had not been for the privateer who risked life and personal gain to smuggle contraband meatloaves to our regular and volunteer m..."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Home at last

All souls made it home safe. Long drive. 4 hrs and 244 miles. Rain was horrific. Took a hot shower and just got in bed. Photos to be posted later.
Till later

On the road

Back in the USA. All good. Customs even let us all back into the country. On the road and 2 hrs from home. It bairly rained on us in England and we come back to this crap. Take care. Heading back out on 81.
Till later

In the air

When this posts, we will be safely on the ground. Flight is about 7-8 hrs. Currently as I type this, we have 672 miles left to go. We are flying at 539 mph at an altitude of 38000 ft. We arrive in about 1 1/2 hrs. Trip has been somwhat bumpy and there were no empty seats. Will have a long drive ahead of us.
Till later

On the plane

We are all on the plane. Will be leaving shortly. Time to cut off the electronics.
Till later

Fly The Friendly Skys

1000 here. Getting ready to board our flight. Going to be packed. Nice here. Hear it is nasty and rainy at home. Going to be an interesting drive. God be with us for a safe flight.
Till later

Friday, September 25, 2009

Out in London Today

We have been out for a bit today. Took the underground to waterloo to see Big Ben. We jumped on a river boat and went down the Thames. Saw a lot of famtastic historical buildings. Went to the Tower of London and then on to Buckingham Palace. Took sight seeing bus towards Harrods. All good. Back to the room to pack. Flight leaves early in the morning. Photos will be posted when we return. Lots of issues with the internet. Chat soon.
Till later