Saturday, September 26, 2009

Home at last

All souls made it home safe. Long drive. 4 hrs and 244 miles. Rain was horrific. Took a hot shower and just got in bed. Photos to be posted later.
Till later

On the road

Back in the USA. All good. Customs even let us all back into the country. On the road and 2 hrs from home. It bairly rained on us in England and we come back to this crap. Take care. Heading back out on 81.
Till later

In the air

When this posts, we will be safely on the ground. Flight is about 7-8 hrs. Currently as I type this, we have 672 miles left to go. We are flying at 539 mph at an altitude of 38000 ft. We arrive in about 1 1/2 hrs. Trip has been somwhat bumpy and there were no empty seats. Will have a long drive ahead of us.
Till later

On the plane

We are all on the plane. Will be leaving shortly. Time to cut off the electronics.
Till later

Fly The Friendly Skys

1000 here. Getting ready to board our flight. Going to be packed. Nice here. Hear it is nasty and rainy at home. Going to be an interesting drive. God be with us for a safe flight.
Till later

Friday, September 25, 2009

Out in London Today

We have been out for a bit today. Took the underground to waterloo to see Big Ben. We jumped on a river boat and went down the Thames. Saw a lot of famtastic historical buildings. Went to the Tower of London and then on to Buckingham Palace. Took sight seeing bus towards Harrods. All good. Back to the room to pack. Flight leaves early in the morning. Photos will be posted when we return. Lots of issues with the internet. Chat soon.
Till later

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In Paris

Had a great train ride from London to Paris. Have been up on the Eiffle Tower. Took a river tour on the Seine. On our way to the Lourve right now.
Till later

On a train

Off this morning at 0500 to the train station. On the train right now heading to Paris. Was very sunny early in the trip. Now it is cloudy and misty. More to come when we get there.
Till later

Great time in London

Had a great time yesterday in London. Road on the "London Eye", went to Big Ben, Parlament, Westminster Abby, and lots of other places. Rode on the subway and walked a lot. Good times were had by all.
Till later

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

London Calling

Arrived safe and sound. Trip was long, but fine. Hotel appears to be nice. Tons of people here. We are going out adventuring in a few min. I have tea with the Queen at 1700.

Till later

Travel Day

Up early. Great breakfast. Cloudy but nice. On the bus for a 4 hour trip to London. Beautiful scenery. Got a photo of a sheep, cow and horse. Of course we have these back home, but these are British animals. Trip smooth for the time being. Traffic busy at times. Going sight seeing in a bit. More to come. Hopefully to post some photos tonight.
Till later

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kelleigh the guest blogger- An update on our trip

It has been an amazing day. We are sitting in The Ox Restaurant in Manchester eating dinner. Needless to say we are very loud and luckily the English are just as cool as can be. I had poached salmon. Connie finally ordered her bangers and mash. It was not as good as the dish last night in Chester, but she still liked it. Stimis had fish and chips for the third night in a row, but he did try Connie's bangers and mash. He's being brave. This morning I tried black pudding for the first time. In case you are wondering, that is made with pig's blood. Oh yeah, that's right, pig's blood. I was not impressed. I think I will pass on that the next time. I am drinking a fantastic IPA right now. It's called Deuchars IPA from Caledonia - or as it is known today - Scotland. I asked the manager if I could buy a glass for Doug, my husband, and he just gave me one. The English rock! We are getting ready to go to a brewey. Dr. Wally does not recall the name. Cheers everyone!

Till later

Monday, September 21, 2009

Having fun

At the pubs. 2330 our time. Got in at 2030 and hit the pubs. Photois to come later.
Till later


In a town called Chester. Drinking at a great pub called Marlborough Arms. Good beer. Now off to eat.

At the Jaguar plant

1500 here and we are going into the Landrover/Jaguar plant. Plant is located in Haleford. No cameras or phones allowed.
1700 now. It was a great tour. Very cool plant. They produce 5 Landrovers to every Jaguar. All of the vehicles are made to order. They produce 29 cars an hour, but only run the plant for 8 hours a day. 2200 employees plus a ton of robots. 256 acres of plant all under one roof.

2nd speaker of the day

Our 2nd speaker is Sudi Sharif. She is speaking on Management.

In class

Listining to Adrian Kay discuss Globalization. Very good.

Kelleigh the guest blogger

I at least know that I am well enough liked since the others were concerned when I did not show up for breakfast. I had over slept. Unbelievable. Now we are on the bus getting ready to head to the unversity for the lecture. So far the trip has been awesome

We went by canal street yesterday and watched English gay line dancing and had some beer. Stimis ordered a hard cider unbeknownst to him at the time. He drank it anyway.

We ate dinner at Yates last night because Marcie had to have her some bangers and mash. We talked to a drunk Scot that told me where I should go whenever I make it to Scotland. Not this trip.

I will let the others fill in the rest. Ta.

Till later

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Snakes at dinner

Hey there. Everybody has to have a little bit of snake in 'em.  Had some trouble with the Blackberry last night, so posting was limited.  We all had a blast walking around downtown Manchester.  Some people ate Bangers and Mash.

 Some did not.  We got to see a young man steal food from a store and get caught.  Lots of young people here.  There was a huge soccer (Football) match going on here and you can imagine all the pubs. They were packed. Very packed.  Lots of beer, lots of yelling.  It was funny to see a few bars that had signs on the windows that no one could enter wearing anything with a sports name on it.  

Those bars were empty.  We did not see those signs on the pubs or taverns, just a bar or two.

More photos to come.  

Till Later


Just got to Manchester at 1200 and the first thing I do is go eat Fish & Chips. It was fantastic.  Everyone had a great meal.  Meal was big, but we have seen an interesting thing. The smallest beverage bottles that I have ever seen. It was our breakfast based on U.S. time, but for us, it was a late lunch.  Being 5 hours out of whack will prove to be interesting.  It is almost 3pm and we will be leaving here shortly to walk around downtown Manchester.

Safely on the ground

Flight number 2 is safely on the ground. All good. Even better weather here in Manchester. It is 1147 here. Well time to get off the plane.
Till later

On board number 2

Interesting that you have to go through inspections again before you get on another flight. We should never have left a clean area. You are screened before you leave the US, get on a plane, get off a plane, should be able to get on another without screening again. Weird. Weather is good so far. Warm enough for me. Currently Sunday at 1030. You guys at home are sleeping, or at least should be.
Till later

On the ground

Finally on the ground in London. 8 hour flight. We are now 5 hours ahead of home. Had a great flight. Plane was not full. Lots of room between us. Ride was smooth. We have one more flight to Manchester coming up. We can only hope that it is as empty, but I think that is just wishing. Met a very nice person named Amber. Good conversations. Got to watch 2 movies on the flight. Saw Star Trek XI and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Both excellent. I hope to have more photos soon. I also plan to have guest bloggers. Kelleigh, Connie, Marci, and Lynn will join me soon.
Till Later

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On the plane

All good. Ready for flight. Good seat. Ready to rock. Chat in a few hours. Over and out.

Waiting and waiting

Plane leaves at 2045. Just waiting to board. All good. Everyone healthy.

Sitting in the airport

Waiting to see if the attendant returns so we can exchange money. Such is life.

Eating lunch

We have stopped in Front Royal at a very nice resturant called The Main Street Mill Resturant. Very quaint, very nice. Trip has been without event so far. Great weather.

We are on the road

All souls aboard. 229 miles to go.

Hitting the road - Off to see the Queen

1 hr till I pick up some of the hitchhikers to head to D.C.  Flight is around 8pm, but you know me. Better to get there real early, than to get stuck on Interstate and get there just in time to see the plane lift off.  I would not want to miss my tea time with the Queen.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Not overly happy right now

It is 8:15 pm and I still have a 4 page paper to write.  I have not even started.  Guess I need to get off here.

Going to get pounds

Guess I need money. Going to get pounds from AAA. Keep following the blog.


Working on packing and finishing up homework so that I can go to Europe with a clear mind.  

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting ready to leave.

I will not type much because I hate to type, but i am leaving for Europe on a school outting and this will be very interesting.  More to come.............