Sunday, September 20, 2009

Snakes at dinner

Hey there. Everybody has to have a little bit of snake in 'em.  Had some trouble with the Blackberry last night, so posting was limited.  We all had a blast walking around downtown Manchester.  Some people ate Bangers and Mash.

 Some did not.  We got to see a young man steal food from a store and get caught.  Lots of young people here.  There was a huge soccer (Football) match going on here and you can imagine all the pubs. They were packed. Very packed.  Lots of beer, lots of yelling.  It was funny to see a few bars that had signs on the windows that no one could enter wearing anything with a sports name on it.  

Those bars were empty.  We did not see those signs on the pubs or taverns, just a bar or two.

More photos to come.  

Till Later

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