Sunday, September 20, 2009


Just got to Manchester at 1200 and the first thing I do is go eat Fish & Chips. It was fantastic.  Everyone had a great meal.  Meal was big, but we have seen an interesting thing. The smallest beverage bottles that I have ever seen. It was our breakfast based on U.S. time, but for us, it was a late lunch.  Being 5 hours out of whack will prove to be interesting.  It is almost 3pm and we will be leaving here shortly to walk around downtown Manchester.


  1. I always marvel at the different sizes of containers in other countries. Usually drinks and usually much smaller - no wonder foreigners think Americans are glutenous. Our super sized sodas would do them for days.

  2. It says something (but I don't know what) when they sell sodas in 250 ml bottles and beer in 500 ml bottles.

    Something about priorities...
