Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kelleigh the guest blogger- An update on our trip

It has been an amazing day. We are sitting in The Ox Restaurant in Manchester eating dinner. Needless to say we are very loud and luckily the English are just as cool as can be. I had poached salmon. Connie finally ordered her bangers and mash. It was not as good as the dish last night in Chester, but she still liked it. Stimis had fish and chips for the third night in a row, but he did try Connie's bangers and mash. He's being brave. This morning I tried black pudding for the first time. In case you are wondering, that is made with pig's blood. Oh yeah, that's right, pig's blood. I was not impressed. I think I will pass on that the next time. I am drinking a fantastic IPA right now. It's called Deuchars IPA from Caledonia - or as it is known today - Scotland. I asked the manager if I could buy a glass for Doug, my husband, and he just gave me one. The English rock! We are getting ready to go to a brewey. Dr. Wally does not recall the name. Cheers everyone!

Till later

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